
Letter from His Eminence:

When you support the Friends of the Metropolis campaign, you are part of a greater outreach that proclaims with one universal voice that God is truly our hope and our rock of salvation. Because of your devotion to the Friends program, ministries and programs are implemented on a Metropolis­wide basis which strengthen and enhance our faith and our joint ministry of service.

I would like to invite you to join forces with the faithful throughout the Metropolis of Detroit in support of the ministries which are part of the Office of the Metropolitan.

Thanking you for your kind and generous response, I remain, with paternal blessings and prayers,

+NICHOLAS Metropolitan of Detroit

What does Friends of the Metropolis do?

General Support

Fully fund the general expenses of the Metropolis office, including programs and travels.

Clergy/Parish Support

Develop and provide instructional seminars and services for clergy and parishes.


Create opportunities to introduce our faith to society. Participate in inter­Christian and interfaith activities. Provide quick responses to national and international disasters. 

Youth Ministries

Support the youth & young adult ministries, including our summer camps, as well as the activities of a full­time Metropolis Director of Youth and Young Adult Ministries.


Enhance various scholarship opportunities, adult education programs, and support Metropolis students at Hellenic College/Holy Cross.


Organize Clergy­Laity Conferences, Oratorical Festivals, Youth Worker and Religious Education Training, and Adult Education Seminars. Develop programs for Hellenic Cultural Outreach, including language, history, and arts. 

Special Programs

Continued website development, hospitality to visiting dignitaries, charity and philanthropy.